The Twilight Of Summer and Figuring Out My Next Move…Quite Literally

Contrasting Complacency

2 min readAug 2, 2024
Photo by Tobias Cornille on Unsplash

Alright so it’s been a minute since my last blog or even post on here honestly and that is half-intentional and half because I just didn’t feel as though my life had anything of any real substance to share with anyone. This past summer has been both interesting in a lot of ways and also a slow moving kind of traffic jam where I’ve felt like the headway I thought I’d be making at this point has slowly deflated over the past few weeks…

It started out great though!

Having met a new guy at the start of May and moving in with him the beginning of July, everything seemed to be moving in the right direction


The money I thought I’d be receiving for a publishing didn’t come through and then I broke my foot right when I was beginning to learn to drive again

So in essence I feel trapped once more and I’m figuring out how to move forward from this new obstacle. The sunny side is all one can really gravitate to because I do have so many fortunate things in my life not the least being this beautiful guy who has been nothing less than supportive through it all even with his own issues.




Life is all about perspective and discovery of yourself within it. As a 29 year old freelance writer of sorts, transforming these experiences into art helps me